ASHRM Celebrates National Patient Safety Awareness Week, March 9-15
The American Society for Health Care Risk Management recognizes National Patient Safety Awareness Week and the role in which patient safety professionals contribute to ASHRM’s mission of advancing patient safety, reducing uncertainty and maximizing value.
Celebrate with Themed Gifts
Patient Safety Awareness Week gifts are an easy way to celebrate with your team and raise awareness of patient safety in health care. These new gifts are now available to order.
Participate in Patient Safety Week Activities
Download and review Patient Safety terms with this printable word search.
Discover Patient Safety Tools and Resources
Tools & Supporting Resources
- Medication Safety Tip Sheet NEW!
- Second and Third Victims Tip Sheet NEW!
- After Your Root Cause Analysis NEW!
- Cognitive Biases in Health Care Tip Sheet
- Cultural Sensitivity in Treatment Tip Sheet
- Patient Identification Errors Tip Sheet
- High Acuity Patient Transfer Tip Sheet
- Staffing Agency Contracts Tip Sheet
- Staff Resilience and Well-Being Tip Sheet
- Laboratory and Diagnostic Test Result Communication Tip Sheet
- Preventing Wrong Site Surgeries Tip Sheet
- DEI and Patient Safety Tip Sheet
- High Acuity Patient External Transfer Handoff Guidance Tool
- Safe Procedural Surgery Gap Analysis Worksheet
- Patient Safety Week Quick Training - Agency Contracts
On-Demand Webinar Topics
- Reducing the Cost of Inpatient Falls: An Application of Enterprise Risk Management
- Reducing Clinical Risks Associated with Reusable Medical Devices: A Regulatory, Patient Safety, Risk Management, and Infection Control Perspective
- Patient Safety Ethics
- Patient Safety and the Obesity Epidemic: How to Tackle the Risks of an Expanding Patient Population
- The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of the Parts - Uniting Quality, Patient Safety, and Risk
- Teaching Cognitive Interviewing Skills for Adverse Event Investigation
- Scaling Communication and Resolution Programs: Achieving the Potential, Avoiding the Pitfalls
Live Webinar Topics
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