ASHRM Justification Toolkit
Justification Toolkit
ASHRM Annual Conference 2024
October 6-9, San Diego
ASHRM Annual Conference & Solution Center is the premier event in health care risk management. ASHRM 2024 bridges the gap between distinguished risk management leaders and curious early-career professionals.
Below are some easy-to-use tools and tips that may help you calculate the investment and identify your professional and financial return on investment. Use this toolkit as a resource to convey the value of this conference to your employer, and start planning your conference experience today!
Plan Early
- Use the early-bird registration to take advantage of the lowest rate.
- Not a member? Join ASHRM and register for the conference and save up to $170 off the non-member rate.
- Planning early will also help you to secure lower airline fares and obtain a discounted room rate in a conference hotel.
Communicate with Your Employer
- Customize and send a justification letter to your employer explaining all of the benefits you'll get from attending ASHRM Annual Conference, and how they will improve your performance and help advance your organization.
- Be ready with a plan that identifies who will handle your responsibilities while you are attending the conference. Ensure your employer knows that you will still be accessible during your time away from the office.
- Offer to deliver a short presentation or written report for your colleagues to share what you've learned and multiply the benefits of attendance.
Justification Letter Template
- The editable Justification Letter Template allows you to explain to your employer all of the benefits you'll get from attending ASHRM Annual Conference, and how those benefits will improve your performance and help advance your organization.
Determine Expenses and Benefits
- Conference expenses are influenced by a number of factors. Before you can begin to justify the expenses, you need to calculate what they will be. Use the Expense Worksheet to develop a cost estimate for attending this year.
- It's also important to show your supervisor why your attendance will benefit not just you, but your entire team. In the Benefits Worksheet, emphasize that you will learn new skills, network with leaders in the field, and identify opportunities for advancement. Identify specific sessions you're planning to take that have relevance to your organization's work. Highlight speakers, exhibitors and other potential partners in attendance who can help advance your organization's objectives.