Clinical/Patient Safety ERM Domain

Explore simple strategies for improving diagnostic safety through partnering with patients and their families.
This eLearning program teaches risk professionals how to effectively influence the process, culture, and essential relationships in their health care organizations.
This webinar reviews the CDC’s Core Practices for Infection Prevention and Control that can be implemented to reduce harm to patients in all health care settings.
Use this procedural/surgical safety gap analysis to compare your current performance with desired, expected performance.
Enter your information below to get started: MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "710-ZLL-651", 2340); 
This tool assists the care provider in ensuring adequate handoff communication to assist in safe transfer of patients to higher acuity care.
An overview of Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), relevant regulations and Conditions of Participation (CoPs), and practical tips for health care risk professionals.
Learn the key elements of an emergency management program for clinical services and clinical processes for maintaining services in an emergency.