ASHRM Education Opportunities
Expand your knowledge and develop your professional skills with ASHRM's education opportunities. ASHRM's live and on-demand programs provide instruction for emerging risk management professionals and continuing education for experienced leaders.
Find the risk management education you need and the chance to learn directly from experts in the risk management field with the ASHRM 2024 Conference!
Complete the ASHRM HRM Certificate Program, participate in Certificate programs or study for your CPHRM Certification during this summer event.
Join ASHRM for live presentations and Q&As led by subject matter experts.
Earn CE at any time with streaming e-Learning programs and on-demand webinars.
ASHRM Academy features a full slate of ASHRM’s popular courses, split between virtual formats and in-person classroom learning.
On-Demand Education Programs
Learn from experienced ASHRM faculty with this on-demand courses offered through ASHRM.
HRM Core Program
In-Person Education Programs
Learn from experienced ASHRM faculty with these 2-day courses offered at ASHRM's in-person events.
HRM Certificate Program